2016 Gold Autocross Workers
The Bloomington Gold Autocross would not have happened as smoothly as it did if it were not for the hard work of many members from the Indiana region. The following is a note from Tammy DeWitt and a list of those who helped out.
First...THANKS SO VERY MUCH for volunteering to work the Autocross at Bloomington Gold! Butch & I appreciated it so much...this year we had dryer weather, and lots more room. We had a lot of fun, and with Lingenfelter & RideTech giving free ride alongs the crowd was having lots of fun too. Tammy DeWitt, IN Region Membership Director
3 days
Butch DeWitt, Corvette Indy
Tammy DeWitt, Corvette Indy
Bill Lapham, Corvette Indy
Cathy Coolidge, Corvette Indy
Frank Coolidge, Corvette Indy
Brent Williams, Corvette Indy
John Herder, Corvette Indy
Charlie Sherman, Corvette Indy
Mike Lewis, Corvette Indy
Terry Sitzer, Corvette Indy
John Phillips, Corvette Indy
Alan Smith, Indianapolis Corvette Club
2 days
Marg Herder, Corvette Indy
Barry Rector, Corvette Indy
Betty Williams, Corvette Indy
John Albright, Corvette Indy
Diana Albright, Corvette Indy
Jim Alvis, Corvette Indy
Paul Evans, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jim Bartuska, Michiana Corvette Club (MI)
1 day
Susie Hale, Corvette Indy
Erika Lapham, Corvette Indy
Cathy Palmore, Hoosier Corvette Club
Steve Palmore, Hoosier Corvette Club
Michael Bell, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jeannie Smith, Hoosier Corvette Club
Al Forey, Corvette Indy
Terry Forey, Corvette Indy
Becky Graves, Hoosier Corvette Club
Kristofer Lindebrekke, Derby City Corvette Club (KY)
Rich Robison, Circle City Corvette Club
Ben Doll, Circle City Corvette Club
Bryan Morrison, Circle City Corvette Club
John Means, Circle City Corvette Club
Alan Yackey, Circle City Corvette Club
Eva Yackey, Circle City Corvette Club
John Morrow, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jody Morrow, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jerry Croy, Corvette Indy
Jimmie Driscoll, Corvette Indy
Gary Melton, Corvette Indy
John Burkhardt, Corvette Indy
Jeff Gaer, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jeff Balgoyen, Corvette Indy (MI)
Cathy Balgoyen, Corvette Indy (MI)
Jim Shaver, Corvette Indy
Ron Harris, Hoosier Corvette Club
Bill Borst, Star City Corvette Club (Lafayette)
Jessa Ashton, Anderson Corvette Club
Pat Cordero, Circle City Corvette Club
Return to Bloomington Gold Autocross
First...THANKS SO VERY MUCH for volunteering to work the Autocross at Bloomington Gold! Butch & I appreciated it so much...this year we had dryer weather, and lots more room. We had a lot of fun, and with Lingenfelter & RideTech giving free ride alongs the crowd was having lots of fun too. Tammy DeWitt, IN Region Membership Director
3 days
Butch DeWitt, Corvette Indy
Tammy DeWitt, Corvette Indy
Bill Lapham, Corvette Indy
Cathy Coolidge, Corvette Indy
Frank Coolidge, Corvette Indy
Brent Williams, Corvette Indy
John Herder, Corvette Indy
Charlie Sherman, Corvette Indy
Mike Lewis, Corvette Indy
Terry Sitzer, Corvette Indy
John Phillips, Corvette Indy
Alan Smith, Indianapolis Corvette Club
2 days
Marg Herder, Corvette Indy
Barry Rector, Corvette Indy
Betty Williams, Corvette Indy
John Albright, Corvette Indy
Diana Albright, Corvette Indy
Jim Alvis, Corvette Indy
Paul Evans, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jim Bartuska, Michiana Corvette Club (MI)
1 day
Susie Hale, Corvette Indy
Erika Lapham, Corvette Indy
Cathy Palmore, Hoosier Corvette Club
Steve Palmore, Hoosier Corvette Club
Michael Bell, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jeannie Smith, Hoosier Corvette Club
Al Forey, Corvette Indy
Terry Forey, Corvette Indy
Becky Graves, Hoosier Corvette Club
Kristofer Lindebrekke, Derby City Corvette Club (KY)
Rich Robison, Circle City Corvette Club
Ben Doll, Circle City Corvette Club
Bryan Morrison, Circle City Corvette Club
John Means, Circle City Corvette Club
Alan Yackey, Circle City Corvette Club
Eva Yackey, Circle City Corvette Club
John Morrow, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jody Morrow, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jerry Croy, Corvette Indy
Jimmie Driscoll, Corvette Indy
Gary Melton, Corvette Indy
John Burkhardt, Corvette Indy
Jeff Gaer, Hoosier Corvette Club
Jeff Balgoyen, Corvette Indy (MI)
Cathy Balgoyen, Corvette Indy (MI)
Jim Shaver, Corvette Indy
Ron Harris, Hoosier Corvette Club
Bill Borst, Star City Corvette Club (Lafayette)
Jessa Ashton, Anderson Corvette Club
Pat Cordero, Circle City Corvette Club
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Chevrolet Trademark(s) used with permission of General Motors
Chevrolet Trademark(s) used with permission of General Motors