Putnam Park Autocross Weekend - Saturday May 30, 2015
On Saturday the day started out a bit sunny and the track dry, unfortunately the weather was not to hold out as it deteriorated during the event. Once the Low Speed started their 4 events went well until near their end as it started to rain. With a downpour an hour lunch break was called as there was hope of clearing up to run the High Speed. This helped as the track was somewhat dry at the afternoon's start. But with repeated showers and a call in at one point of corner workers during nearby lightning the sessions ran long and were halted before the after 5 PM extra additional cost for track personnel kicked in. This left the group last two heats only getting their first runs of their events. There were several spin outs during the afternoon, but most stayed on the track with no damage to anyone.
As always everyone that attended the evening party at the host motel had a good time as it did not get rained out. Although we did have rain nonstop during it and were started out under the canopy that you drive up under but soon moved inside to the little breakfast area. This was because the canopy was too small to keep the assembled group dry. Everybody seem to be having a good time even though they were wet, but spirits were good and the food was excellent. There was pulled pork, baked beans & potato salad along with chips and cookies with plenty for everyone that attended and it all was fabulous and a great way to end the day.
Link to Lafayette Corvette Club Pictures
As always everyone that attended the evening party at the host motel had a good time as it did not get rained out. Although we did have rain nonstop during it and were started out under the canopy that you drive up under but soon moved inside to the little breakfast area. This was because the canopy was too small to keep the assembled group dry. Everybody seem to be having a good time even though they were wet, but spirits were good and the food was excellent. There was pulled pork, baked beans & potato salad along with chips and cookies with plenty for everyone that attended and it all was fabulous and a great way to end the day.
Link to Lafayette Corvette Club Pictures
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