Main Event 06/08 & 06/09
Corvette Indy's 30 annual autocross was again held at Grissom Areoplex as no place in the Indianapolis area can be hold the annual event. With rain predicted for the weekend still 55 competitors from Indiana and surrounding regions showed up for Saturday's events. They were greeted with a very windy but dry conditions which led to good track times throughout the day. On Sunday a slightly smaller number of competitors were met with a wet track from early morning rain and a continuing drizzle. Due to the conditions Saturday's track was shortened to help speed things up and get runs done before the afternoon round of rain. It was a good thing too, as rain did return while the third group was finishing up their first seven runs. Second runs were mainly made by those that needed the extra runs for first round DNF's, with a few doing all just for fun. During Saturday's driver meeting a surprised Jerry Strope was presented a 200 point jacket and the 2018 Bill Callahan / Dick Satkamp Award for all of his work he does helping at region autocross events. During the two days of events the competitors and workers were given a lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs to enjoy.. The Corvette Indy club thanks all of the competitors for supporting their club's 30th year..
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