Corvette Indy Rallies 04/21
This year Corvette Indy held their rallies at the end of April on what turned out to be one of the better weekends of weather so far. With four sanctioned events it brought in a couple of competitors from Iowa and 3 couples from Illinois, along with Indiana club members from Anderson, Ft. Wayne, Hoosier, Star City, and finishing out with a number of Corvette Indy members for a total of 44 competitors. With the recent passing of CI member Bob Phillips, who had taught Corvette Indy's rally master how to set up Hare & Hound rallies, a section became part of the Fun Rally this year in memory of him. Simply put at a designated H & H intersection a 'white rabbit' is painted in one of the roads going from the intersection. Pick the one with the rabbit and you are on the correct route, if you didn't you would need to go back and try another road. There were eight H & H intersections included in the multiple route instructions. This year also had 42 questions through out the route, with the best score of 36 correct showing that it was also a tough rally. There were two check points where cards were pulled for the poker rallies. Once the competitors got back to the Legion the answers were quickly scored and the poker hands ranked. It was soon time to announce the winners of each of the rallies. Corvette Indy's sponsor Penske Chevrolet had donated shirts and hats for prizes. First place got a shirt & hat, while second and third place got either a shirt or hat and a pack of cleaning cloths with all getting a carry bag for their goodies. After the presentation most of the competitors stayed for the Catfish dinner that was being put on by the Legion in support of their Scholarship fund. This made for a great finish to the day's events along with everyone getting a great dinner for all of the competitors to enjoy before heading out and support the American Legion Scholarship Fund.
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Chevrolet Trademark(s) used with permission of General Motors