2016 Indiana Region Banquet 04/15
This year's banquet was hosted by the Anderson Corvette Association at the Madison County Shrine Club in Anderson. As with recent banquets roughly half of the region's 19 clubs were represented and had members that received awards during the evening. The banquet kicked off with a happy hour and then a great meal where everyone could have an evening of non racing time together. Once the meal was over and everyone had filled up on cake, Regional Executive Mike Godfrey introduced our region's Competition Director David Godfrey who started presenting the trophies placement in rallies and then the High and Low Speed groups for first Ladies and then the Men's. The Fort Wayne Corvette Club was presented a trophy for their club's winning the club point championship. Once the trophies were presented the year's jackets were handed out to participants and workers that had earned 200 points during the year. This year there was a record number with 20 ladies and 37 men's jackets presented to the appreciative members. At the end of the presentation this year's winner of the 2015 Bill Callahan / Dick Satkamp Award was announced for a newer racer in the region Dave Buck. He was very appreciative and certainly a worthy recipient of the award. The evening ended with sunlight in the sky for everyone to have a safe return to their homes.
Look for more pictures in the near future
Look for more pictures in the near future
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